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Celebrating Winter | is this the farewell?

The hard white has become a mushy brown, the oppressive grey back to blue. The world holds its breath as we watch the sky, begging the dreary clouds to wait until next year. It's cold, but it's bright and beautiful. That we can handle. But, we all wonder, could this really be it?
Is this the farewell?
One can only dream.
"Soon the sun's warmth makes them shed crystal shells
Shattering and avalanching on the snow-crust
Such heaps of broken glass to sweep away
You'd think the inner dome of heaven had fallen."

p.s. poem excerpt from robert frost's "birches."


  1. Yaaay, I think it's finally spring where I live and I'm so happy. :D I know the feeling all too well: The snow melts into sludge, but you're still so hopeful that there won't be any more fresh snow.

    Is this the farewell to the Celebrating Winter series, too?

    1. Amen, sister.

      Yes, I think it is. I left it as a question just in case something else comes up, but hopefully there won't be a need to celebrate winter any more.

  2. I'm with you! Goodbye, winter! Beautiful words.


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